Probiotic Vaginal Suppositories
Replenish the good bacteria, balance your vaginal flora and keep odours at bay. Filler-free, and formulated with lactobacilli for perfect vaginal balance.
Ingredients: Lyophilized probiotics: lactobacillus reuteri, lactobacillus rhamnosus, 50 billions CFU/s/capsule, active oxygen, hydrolyzed collagen.
Contains 21 capsules.
What Is A Vaginal Suppository?
A vaginal suppository is simply a small capsule you insert inside your vagina.
If you’ve never used one before, it might sound a little intimidating. But they’re very easy to use, we promise!
How Do I Use It?
Before bedtime and with clean hands, gently insert one capsule in the vagina, as far as it can comfortably go. Repeat daily, for 7 days, then once a month for maintenance.
Some discharge is normal, so we recommend wearing a pad or liner to bed.
Why Choose A Probiotic Vaginal Suppository?
When healthy, our vaginas are mostly colonised with Lactobacillus (the good bacteria). But when our vaginal lactobacilli reserves are depleted our microbiome gets out of balance, allowing other bacteria, viruses and yeast to take over. This makes us more susceptible to infections like BV, thrush and UTIs.
A vaginal probiotic suppository sends the good bacteria exactly where it’s needed, so none of the benefits are lost in your digestive tract.
Can I Use When Menstruating?
If you are currently menstruating, we recommend continuing to use our suppositories. However, we advise using a pad instead of a tampon during this time.
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