Jacqui's journey to becoming a psychologist– A desire to help.
I have always loved people and their stories, and have had a strong pull to help others since I was a little girl. I think this was the main attraction for studying psychology for me. No doubt it was also (although it was unconscious to me at the time) because I grew up with a Dad who had a mental illness and a Mum who had suffered trauma in her childhood, and I wanted to help them.
My parents were very kind and loving as parents and as people. I grew up aware and grateful for that and for our family unit, but as is the case for many families, there were challenges that affected my family environment growing up– psychology was a way of understanding more and looking at the deeper layers of life.

When I realised the academic side of my studies didn't involve real-life experience, I dove into Lifeline training and volunteering for a few years which let me connect with real-life people which I found to be a humbling and enriching experience. After a stint living overseas (in Spain and Prague), I began my career at TAFE working with students from all walks of life; including working in a program for youth at isk which I loved.
It was while I was at TAFE in 1999 that we had a professional development workshop on tapping (or EFT). I had never heard of energy meridians before, and while I found it interesting I didn't immediately connect with it until later that year I used it out of pure desperation! I had a severe post-surgical pain experience and to my complete astonishment it took the pain away. This led me down path of learning more about tapping through workshops and mentors, and opened up a whole new world of healing and ideas for me. Tapping was the prompt for me to leave TAFE and explore these healing techniques in my own private practice. I continue to use tapping today as it's such an effective little tool that can be used for so many of life's challenges, and I still love it 20+ years later.
Being a human is hard at times for all of us. I love being there for others as they experience tough moments in their lives. I feel humbled by the bravery and vulnerability my clients show in opening up to me; they often teach me as much as I hope I'm helping them.
Written by Jacqui Manning