This Christmas is different. We have the freedom to go where we please, except we are grounded in the country we call home. This Christmas I feel our land is more restful knowing there is nowhere else for us to be. Connection with those near and dear to us have taken on a different meaning this year.
This year our worlds got smaller. We were motioned to be still. In the uncertainty and stillness, we came to know who our people were. It was clear who our tribes were. We slowed down. A new appreciation for what we had was grown.
In the restrictions we always had choice, always. We choose whom we saw, who was in our inner circle, the words we spoke, how we showed up and how we spend our dollars.
This Christmas take time to reflect. It has been a big year for us in many ways. Many people have noted that this has been a terrible year however, I implore you to go deeper and see what lessons this year has brought you and what you have found amongst the challenges. What are the things you are grateful for?
We are lucky to have a roof over our heads and food on our tables. We have running water, electricity to the homes that house us, clothes on our back, and our loved ones around us. Our basic needs are met.
This Christmas, look around your table. See how plentiful your life is and how truly lucky you are.
Written by Amanda Schembri