During this isolation period, we have all seen the dramatic increase and desire/need to get outdoors and exercise (well, that's all we can do really!). It has been essential for all of us. One COVID adaptation I would like to see maintained as restrictions are lifted.
To be healthy and remain truly healthy, we must continually move our bodies. If you have never been a fan of exercise, try to look at how you approach it and how you think about it. We have talked a lot about associating healthy foods with happy moods — do the same with exercise. If we start with the mindset of dread and fear, then it will be just that. Instead, think of exercise or movement as self-care, feeling proud and choose something you enjoy doing.
It doesn’t have to be complicated, intimidating, obsessive or stressful. It must be enjoyable. If you hate running, don’t try and run — find a dance group, yoga, barre class or pole dancing course. If a weights workout intimidates or bores you, don’t do it.
COVID has introduced us to many online at-home gym programs. Find a friend who feels the same and work-out together or enlist a PT who will happily train you and your friends together in a park. If you prefer to exercise alone, swimming, cycling and gardening are amazing for some solidarity.
Whatever it is that makes you happy and feel better for, do that! Commit to it, daily. For yourself. You don’t need to set the bar too high. Simply write a list that can help you sensibly move your body in your day to day. Make it about how you want to feel and focus solely on that. No magic potions, no fairy dust, no-one to push you, no one to do it for you. Just one determined foot in front of the other.
“Those who think they have no time for exercise, will sooner or later have to find time for illness.” EDWARD STANLEYWritten by Carmen Cooper