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Amanda Haberecht

Ladies - Could it be your Thyroid?

Treating thyroid disease naturally

Thyroid disease in Australia now affects about 1 in 9 women and is the most commonly diagnosed autoimmune. We are learning thyroid issues can be both a cause as well as the outcome of chronic inflammation and hormonal dysregulation. Many of the symptoms women commonly experience may be due to an under functioning thyroid. Vague symptoms such as;

  • Fatigue

  • Feeling cold

  • Weight gain

  • Hair loss

  • Neck pain

  • Sluggish bowels

  • Heavy periods, and

  • Prolonged cycles,

may all be attributed to sub-optimal thyroid function. Despite the thyroid being the master gland of our metabolism, it is commonly overlooked as being responsible for some of these more abstract symptoms. This may be due to the fact that common pathology testing does not usually include all thyroid hormones and antibodies, which are needed to provide a more complex picture and interpretation and sadly why many women suffer with a thyroid condition that remains undiagnosed.  Unfortunately, standard medical investigation predominantly only looks at the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) which is in fact a pituitary hormone and not actually a true reflection of the thyroid’s functioning.

At Darling Health, we order a comprehensive thyroid panel to investigate hormone ratios, signs of autoimmunity, as well as look at the nutrients necessary to nourish the actual thyroid gland, such as iron, zinc, iodine and vitamin D. The collection of these markers is what helps to build a bigger picture and provide the context and understanding as to why a person’s thyroid may be under functioning.

As mentioned, poor thyroid function may also be a result of inflammation or a confused hormonal picture. Hormonal shifts such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, miscarriage, and menopause are all key times where the thyroid may need to be recruited to support these hormonal demands but equally may over burden thyroid activity. Genetics, an altered gut microbiome, insulin, oestrogen, environmental chemicals, and stress hormones such as cortisol may also play a role in the development of thyroid disease. A 2021 review confirmed the role of pollutants, lifestyle factors such as smoking, an elevated BMI and iodine deficiency, all potentially contributing to thyroid dysfunction. Whilst we need further published evidence, many good quality studies exploring the causes of thyroid disease have correlated the role of antioxidant status, microbiome diversity, nutrients such as selenium, zinc, iodine and tyrosine, and anti-inflammatory diets as positive interventions for thyroid health recovery. The statistics and trajectory around women’s thyroid health are very concerning, however caught early, nutritional medicine and comprehensive investigation can re-route this trend and help women feel profoundly better and recover the health of this vital organ.

Supporting women with their thyroid and hormonal health is an area where naturopathic medicine shines, and what we do on a daily basis at Darling Health. If you are suspicious that your thyroid health may be contributing to your health concerns, please get in touch with us at the clinic on 9555 8806.

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